Friday, June 13, 2008

Still SSSE backlogs


Peace be upon all.

They are indeed short, but worth envisaging (E) about:

6th June 2008 SSSE
The best person among you is the one who learns the Qur'an and teaches it to others.
-Al-Bukhari, At-Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ibn Majah

7th June 2008 SSSE
When the Prophet (pbuh) was asked,"Which deed is the best? he said: "Praying on time."


8th June 2008 SSSE
The person closest to Allah is the one who says his "salam" first.

-A few hadiths I didn't quote from, apologies.

9th June 2008 SSSE
Brushing your teeth (with Siwaak) purifies the mouth and makes Allah happy.

-Ahmad, Ibn Majah

10th June 2008 SSSE
You should serve your mother, then your mother, then your mother, and then your father.

-Ahmad, Abu Dawud, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim

11th June 2008 SSSE
None of you is a true Muslim until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.

-Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Ahmad, Ibn Majah

12th June 2008 SSSE
The best friend in the Sight of Allah is the one who is best to his friend.

-Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi, Al-Hakim

Since I have backlogs, I will make it a point to post in advance. Smiles.. settles the matter.

13th June 2008 SSSE
Exchange gifts, you will love each other.

-Sahih Al-Jami'As-Saghir, Al-Irwa-1601

14th June 2008 SSSE
Whoever removes a harmful object from the way of Muslims, will have his act recorded as a good deed.

-As-Sahihah by At-Tabarani

15th June 2008 SSSE
When you feel angry, keep quiet.

-Ahmad, As-Sahihah 1375

Monday, June 9, 2008

SSSE backlog

Assalamualaikum everyone,

Gd morning...

SSSE - 5th June 2008
We (all Muslims sisters and brothers) are all umat (follower/people) of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
The previous prophets spread Islam within their kaum (community/group)
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the prophet for all the whole world.
When something is deemed "Haram" (unlawful; forbidden by religious law; illicit) by God, its not for anyone else but for your own good. (because it will be harmful (merosakkan))

Think of it this way, haram - harm (ful).

Thursday, June 5, 2008



(no excuses)
3rd June 2008 - SSSE

Always ask/invoke/doa from God that you don't forget
For forgetting is dangerous
In everything there's limits - my Mother
Even in ibadah/religious obligation, do not be extreme
There are point of time - you can't pray
There are days - you can't fast.

4th June 2008 - SSSE

Nafsu/intense desire is only not good when its not kawal/restrain
Everyone is not perfect
Its better to heed advice from an imperfect person than to not listen to any advice at all.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Apology - MIA

Assalamualaikum everbody,

Sorry for no SSSE for the following dates:
27th May 2008
28th May 2008
29th May 2008
30th May 2008
31th May 2008
1st June 2008

I was not trying hard enough.
Today's simple lesson:

God loves you, thus He will give you dugaan/test you.
So if you fail your TP test, lost some/all your money, lose someone you love, say this:
God loves me.

Assalam and take care.

Monday, May 26, 2008

26th May 2008 - SSS(yuck!)

Assalamulaikum my dear friends,

InshaAllah you had a good weekend.

26th May 2008 SSSE - Continuation

Human makes alot of mistakes (i.e unavoidable)
Accept these mistakes, and honestly repent/insaf
Formula - KHATT
Kawan/Friends - Friends will influnce friends, please choose your friends (to be close with) wisely
Hero - Who is our best example we should follow? Our prophet Muhammad (pbuh). For parents, they should be the example for their kids to follow. Lead by example. InshaAllah, they will listen to you.

Assalam and take care.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

24th May 2008 - Hiss E (Hissing)

Assalamualikum everyone,

Saturday - SSSE will still go on
Apology for the late post.

Faith will have its ups and downs
Keep watch in what you believe in order to keep it stable
A need is to learn
Never stop learning till your heart stop beating

Assalam and take care

Friday, May 23, 2008

23rd May 2008 - Triple S SEE

Assalamualaikum my brother's and sisters in Islam! (not forgetting the rest of the non-Muslims, peace be upon you too!)

Today's SSSE will be a continuation from yesterday.

SSSE - Tampines 5th April 2008 - 9.30pm

Always remember God
(you know that He would be watching you if you eat secretly during fasting period in the month of Ramadhan, so put it to practical-sense=BELIEVE IN IT! He just don't watch you in the month of Ramadhan you know. Believe He's watching you every second of your life! So be good and do good)
Remember God with all things that you do. Thus, everything you do will in turn be "ibadah"
Remember God always = peace and tranquility.

Assalamualaikum and take care.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

22nd May 2008 - Trippin' S C


Humans are humans
We are humans afterall
Everybody makes mistakes

Humans will tell you as far as possible that there's something else (third party) that caused the mistake. If there aren't any, the above could work too.
Sorry for today's late post. It's my fault and will make it a point to improve.

SSSE - Tampines 5th April 2008 - 9.30pm

Iman/Faith - It not just something on the inside, it also on the outside/practical - we must nurture/pelihara
Keep faith in mind - when just woke up, bathe, work, everyday action and everything
1) Letak niat/Pose intention - Wake up - syukur!, Bathe - like to be clean, a responsibility, say things do things to cause laughter - show your care and concern to loved ones, work - like a strong economy. Sincere/Ikhlas intention. Every actions have its invocation/doa.

Assalamualikum and take care.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

21st May 2008 Triple S-SEA

Daily reads to keep in touch with your religion. Cannot breach your relationship with God!

From Firman dan Sabda - Masjid Al Taqwa:

Your long life, your health are entrusted (amanah Allah) to you from God
You will be asked what you did with the two above mentioned
When a donation box pass through, donate at least something:
Sedikit tapi pasti / Abit but surely did
Before our prophet (pbuh) left us, he said "(My) people, people" also he said "solat, solat" -(pray)
For prayers are the relationship we have to God

Assalam and take care.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

20th May 2008 SSSE

Short read or Short, Snappy Scan and Envisage!

I can't promise you much, but I will try my best.
Daily we read the paper be it Newpaper, Straits Times, Today, Zao Bao, Berita Harian, Tamil Murasu, The Paper, or Wan Bao.
Time is not completely wasted but time was consumed. Although not all news is equally unimportant.
But I wish there's a daily paper for our religion, Islamic Today or something we will be keen in spending a few cents to buy and like for some people, habitual.
Why just read?... Read something better!

20th May 2008 Triple "S" "C" - From Firman dan Sabda

Love without responsibility will not make it
People that believe in God (Beriman), take note that since the Devil can't make you worship him, he's next plans are to destroy your relationships (Husband-wife, Family ties, Friendship)
I think with the help of ego, devil's plan may just work...
God loves those who believes Him
Please take care of yourself and your faith
We are all His, we come from Him, and we will return to Him.

We are all His.

Thank you for reading.
Assalamualaikum and take care.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Masjid Al-Ansar's Inspiration

Assalamualaikum everyone,

When I 1st read this, I said how true.
When now I read this, I said I need to share the truth.

Assalamualaikum and take care.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Blood donation


Please donate blood.

Among other things you can donate (besides money) are :

Knowledge / Talent / Time / Labour ... and now Blood.

So please donate blood.

Thursday, May 1, 2008



Just to share a meningful msg from a sahabat :

Hargai sebuah pertemuan,

kerana di situ terjalinnya sebuah ukhuwwah.

Dan sayangi lah sebuah ukhuwwah,

kerana dari situ lahlahirnya kemesraan..

Learning point :

1) ukhuwwah - brotherhood

2) A dictionary of Islam -

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ghufran's Night Cycling Event

Assalamualaikum wr wb,

I know its been long overdue, most of my posts are, but I'm keeping up, InsyaAllah.

Noosed it! :

And I thought I was the Road Marshall, well... God, give me any job, I'll do it as best as I can.

For God

This blog would be for my God.